No Remorse

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No Remorse es una banda de música nacionalista de Inglaterra.


Albuns y simples

  • This Time the World - (1988, Rebelles Européen)
  • See You in Valhalla - (1988, Rock-O-Rama Records)
  • The New Stormtroopers - (1989, Rock-O-Rama Records)
  • Time Will Tell - (1989)
  • Smash the Reds - (1989)
  • See You in Valhalla - (1989)
  • Son of Odin - Singel (1989)
  • The New Stormtroopers - (1989)
  • We will Rise Again - (1989)
  • Blood Against Gold - (1990, Rock-O-Rama Records)
  • Desert Storm - with Dirlewanger (1992, Rebelles Européen)
  • Farewell Ian Stuart - (1994, Nordland Records)
  • We Play For You - Live with Svastika - (1994)
  • Under the Gods - (1995, Nordland Records)
  • The Best of No Remorse - (1995, Resistance Records)
  • The Winning Hand - (1996, Nordland Records)
  • Brandenburg 1992 - Disc 2 - Live with Division S (1996)
  • Heroes Never Die - mini-cd (1998)
  • Rare Remorse - (1999)
  • Deutschland (2006)

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