Anexo:Lista de judíos célebres
(Redirigido desde «Lista de judíos célebres»)

El físico Albert Einstein.
- Aaron Abel, cantante.
- Aaron Copland - Compositor de Appalachian Spring y otras grandes obras clásicas
- Aaron Freeman - Chicago radio talkshow host
- Aaron Lebedev - famoso Yiddish cantante y actor
- Aaron Neal - Wrestler, talmud scholar, debate champ
- Aaron Rosand, concert violinist
- Aaron Spelling - famoso TV productor/ daughter Tori Spelling
- Abe Vigoda - Fish From Barney Miller
- Abraham Foxman, presidente de la Liga Antidifamación.
- Abraham Maslow, psicólogo humanista.
- Abraham Polonsky, director de cine.
- Abraham Zabludovsky, periodista, reportero (hijo de Jacobo Zabludovsky) (México).
- Abraham Zabludovsky, arquitecto hermano de Jacobo Zabludovsky (México).
- Abigail Van Buren (Dear Abby)-advice columnist
- Adam Arkin actor/Chicago hope
- Adam Duritz - lead cantante/compositor for Counting Crows Adam Faith - British cantante
- Adam Goldberg - actor (TV-Relativity, Movies-Higher Learning unfortunetly y The Prophecy)
- Adam Horowitz - Músico (Beastie Boys)
- Adam Rich - Eight Is Enough
- Adam Sandler - Comediante, actor
- Adam Weishaupt – fundador de los Illuminati
- Adam Wyle - actor de Picket fences
- Adam Yauch - Músico (Beastie Boys)
- Adela Micha, periodista y reportera de México
- Adolph Green, letrista
- Adrian Kaplan - actor sudafricano
- Adrien Brody - actor
- Al Cohn - famoso saxofonista ya fallecido
- Al Jolson- cantante y actor
- Al Kooper - fundador de Blood Sweat y Tears
- Al Levine - WBLI/NY DJ JEWISH?
- Al Lewis - TV Show The Munsters
- Al Waxman - actor / Cagney y Lacey Max Fleischer - Animation productor (Betty Boop, Popeye, etc.)
- Alain Boublil - letrista de Miss Saigon
- Alan Alda - actor Jewish?
- Alan Arkin actor-father de adam
- Alan Freed - (first radio star in 50B4s to play Rock n' Roll)
- Alan Gratzer - músico de la banda estadounidense REO Speedwagon
- Alan J. Pakula, director de cine.
- Alan Jay Lerner - letrista (My Fair Lady)
- Alan King - CNN king of talk
- Alan Klein - representante de los Beatles y los Stones por un breve espacio de tiempo
- Alan Menken, compositor
- Alan Rachins - LA Law
- Alan Rickman - actor (Sense y Sensibility, Die Hard, Robin Hood - Thieves)
- Alan Rosenberg - actor en LA Law y Cybill
- Alan Tacher, broadcaster & animador. (México)
- Alan Wilder - tecladista de Depeche Mode
- Albert Brooks, actor, director (verdadero nombre: Albert Einstein)
- Albert Cohen, French language autor
- Albert Einstein, físico.
- Albert Suissa - famoso cantante - Marruecos
- Alejandro Jodorowsky, director de cine de Chile.
- Alejandro Marcovich, miembro de la banda Caifanes. (México)
- Aleksandr Kérensky, político socialdemócrata de Rusia
- Alexander Kipnis - Opera cantante
- Alexandre Stavisky, estafador de Francia.
- Alexey Sayle - comediante
- Alfie Bass - comic actor.
- Alfred Adler, psicólogo psicoanalista
- Alfredo Achar Tussie - empresario de México.
- Alfons Halim - yeah... this one is surely Jewish.
- Alicia Markova - Bailarina de ballet (nee Alice Marks).
- Alicia Silverstone - actriz, Clueless Star
- Alix Bauer, ex Timbiriche. (México)
- Allan Sherman - cantante/compositor, humorista
- Allen Funt - Host in 'Candid Camera'Woody Strode - black man from spartacusAlfons
- Allen Garfield (Goorwitz) - actor
- Allen Ginsberg - all time greatest American poeta
- Allyson Hannigan -
- Alma Cogan - cantante
- Amos Elon - escritor israelí y periodista
- Amos Gitai, director de cine.
- Amos Oz - escritor israelí y filósofo
- Amy Brenneman - actriz
- Amy Heckerling - director-escritor (Fast Times at Ridgemont High
- Amy Irving - actriz
- Amy Winehouse - Cantante y Compositora británica, alcohólica y drogadicta, muerta a los 27 años.
- Ana Frank - supuesta autora del Diario de Ana Frank
- Andrés Roemer - Libre pensador, escritor y filántropo, México
- Andrew 'Dice' Clay - comediante, actor, su nombre real es Andrew Silverberg
- Andrew Lloyd Webber (?)- Compositor de musical theatre
- Andrew Mark Berman - actor that was on The Wonder Years y other shows
- Andrew Norden - Pre-Medical lover de women
- Andy Kaufmann - taxi-comic
- Andy Ackerman - productor/director (Cheers, Frasier, Seinfeld)
- Andy Shernoff -
- Andy Wachowski, director de cine, hermano de Larry Wachowski.
- Ann B. Davis - actriz (Alice in The Brady Bunch)
- Anne Revere - actriz
- Anouk Aimee - French actriz ('A Man y a Woman')
- Anthony Newley - cantante/Compositor/actor
- Anthony Sher - actor.
- Anton LaVey, pseudónimo de Howard Levey, fundador de la Iglesia de Satán.
- Antonio Jose da Silva, or Judeu - guionista portugués, collection de portuguese dramatic theatre de XVIIIth cent. Killed by the
- Are Thue-Jones - fundador de Jew-Tang
- Ariel Marcus Rosenberg - músico conocido como Ariel Pink
- Ari Meyers - actriz / Kate y Allie
- Ari Telch - actor de México
- Ariel Sharón, Primer Ministro de Israel.
- Arlene Dahl - actriz
- Arlene Sorkin - Caliope Jones On Days de Our Lives
- Arlo Guthrie, Woody Guthrie's son, mother Marjorie was Jewish
- Armin Shimerman- 'Quark' on Deep Space Nine
- Arnold Schoenberg - Famoso compositor.
- Arnold Stang - Film actorchevy chase -actor comediante
- Arnoldo Kraus, autor de México
- Art Buchwald -autor y columnist
- Art Garfunkel - músico /Simon & Garfunkel)
- Arthur Fiedler - ex Boston Pops Conductor
- Arthur Hiller, director de cine.
- Arthur Koestler -autor
- Arthur Miller - escritor (Death de a Salesman)
- Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, New York Times, family circle. McCall's, M. Frankel, J. Lelyveld, J. Rosenthal - all Jews.
- Arthur Rubinstein - pianistaa
- Arthur Schnitzler - guionista de Viena, novelista y doctor
- Artie Shaw - bandleader
- Artur Rubenstein - piano virtuoso
- Arturo Jimenez - Columbian Real Estate Magnate
- Arturo Ripstein, cineasta y director de México.
- Arturo Warman, antropólogo, miembro del gabinete de Carlos Salinas y Ernesto Zedillo. (México)
- Arye Gross - actor
- Ashley Montagu, antropólogo.
- Audrey Hepburn, actriz
- Audrey Landers - actriz
- Aviva Kempner, director de cine.
- Ayn Rand (Alissa Zinovievna Rosenbaum) escritora y activista atea de Estados Unidos nacida en Rusia.
- Barbara Amiel - escritora
- Barbara Bach, esposa de Ringo, de padre judío
- Barbara Hershey (Herzstein)- actriz- one-time hippie/flower child, now likes her lips to be big!
- Barbara Sokol - Grease
- Barbara Walters - (Baba Wawa)-ABC TV interviewer
- Barbra Streisand - actriz, cantante
- Barry Diller, 20th Century Fox. CEO.
- Barry Horowitz, professional wrestler in the WWF, real name Goldberg:
- Barry Levinson - director de cine.
- Barry Manilow - Músico, cantante
- Barry Miller - Saturday Night Fever
- Barry Sisters - famoso Jewish duet
- Barry Sonnenfeld - director Get Shorty, Addams Family
- Baruch Spinoza - filósofo
- Beatrice Arthur - actriz (Dorothy, Golden Girls)
- Beck - músico
- Béla Kun, político comunista
- Ben Elton, comediante y escritor
- Ben Harris, académico
- Ben Kingsley, actor
- Ben Savage, actor
- Ben Stiller - actor/director
- Benjamin Freedman, empresario de Estados Unidos, antisionista y anticomunista.
- Benjamin Mor - Benyad from the rap group Blood de Avraham
- Benny Goodman - King de Swing
- Bernard Kalb - presentador de CNN en Reliable Sources
- Bernard Madoff, empresario de Estados Unidos.
- Bernie Bernstein - Músico, Punk Band,'Hector'Matityahu Glazerson -autor de Mystical Books/Compositor
- Bernie Rhodes (the first manager de The Clash)
- Bernie Sanders, político, senador junior y precandidato para las elecciones presidenciales de 2016 en Estados Unidos
- Bernie Sahlins- founding productor de Second City
- Bert Bachrach - popular American Compositor
- Bert Lahr - comediante
- Bess Myerson - first Jewish Miss America
- Bette Midler, actriz y cantante.
- Betty Friedan -autor/ feminist
- Beverly Sills - Opera Star(Real name: Beverly Silberman)
- Biafra, Jello (cantante de American HC punk band Dead Kennedys)
- Bialik, Mayim - actriz (Blossom)
- Bibi Marcell - Klezmer cantante
- Bill Maher - comediante
- Bill Dana - comediante
- Bill Goldberg - luchador profesional, ex campeón WCW Raven: nombre: Scott Levy
- Bill Maher - comediante
- Bill Pullman - actor Jewish?
- Billy Crystal, actor
- Billy Halop - actor
- Billy Joel - Músico, Winnner de Grammy Awards
- Billy Wilder, director de cine.
- Bizet George - Carmen
- Bob Dylan - Músico
- Bob Hopskins - Roger Rabitt, Cotton Club, ex-kibbutznik
- Bob Hoskins - Oscar winning actor : got an Oscar for 'Mona Lisa'
- Bob Marley - Reggae Artist (father was Jewish, mother negro)
- Bob Monkhouse - comediante.
- Bob Rivers - Morning Radio host
- Bob Saget - comediante, Host de America's Funniest Home Videos
- Bob Vila - Home-improvement Giant
- Bonnie Franklin - actriz
- Bonnie Tyler, cantante pop
- Boris Karloff - actor inglés que interpretó a Frankenstein en la película de 1931
- Boris Pasternak - escritor ruso
- Boris Sagal, director de cine.
- Boris Thomashevsky - actor (Yiddish theater)
- Brad Ray - famoso pin-up boy y rap star
- Brandon Tartinoff, Paramount Pictures. Chairman.
- Brent Spiner - Data character on Star Trek Next Generation
- Brett 'Da Hit Man' Moses - Proprietor de Atlanta's Tattletales
- Brett Gurewitz - owner de Epitaph records y ex guitarista for Bad Religion diane venora - chicago hope
- Brett Sommers - The Match GameStanley Kubrick-movies director (clockwork orange,the Shining...)
- Brian Austin Green -
- Brian Bloom - actor
- Brian Epstein - empresario (Beatles manager).
- Brian Wilson (mother marilyn rovell is Jewish)
- Brody Stevens - comediante y Cable Access TV host in Seattle
- Bronco Billy Anderson - silent film cowboy star
- Bronson Pinchot, actor
- Brooke Langton - actriz (Samantha on Melrose Place)
- Bruce Adler -cantante, dancer, comediante
- Bruce Boxleitner , actor
- Bruce Morrow (Cousin Brucie) - Disc Jockey
- Bruce Springsteen - cantante/compositor (Dutch/Jewish)
- Bruno Bauer - conductor
- Bruno Hauptmann, asesino del hijo de Charles Lindbergh.
- Bruno Schulz - escritor
- Bruno Walter - German conductor y student de Gustav Mahler. Had to change his name.
- Bud Flanagan - English music hall star
- Buddy Hackett - actor/comediante
- Buddy Rich - worlds greatest baterista
- Bugsy Siegal - gangster
- Burt Balaban, director de cine
- Burt Ward - actor, Robin from Batman Jewish?
- Buzz Aldrin - astronauta estadounidense que llegó a la Luna en 1969
- Cajun Aaron Rosand, concert violinist
- Calvin Klein - Diseñador de modas
- Calvin Trillin - escritor
- Camille Pisarro - Artist
- Camryn Manheim - actriz (The Practice)
- Cantor, Eddie - Vaudeville cantante
- Carl Reiner - comediante
- Carl Bernstein -autor y periodista
- Carl Reiner - comediante
- Carl Sagan - astrónomo
- Carlos Alazraki, publicista de México
- Carly Simons -cantante
- Carmel Myers - actriz
- Carnie Wilson - ex cantante (wilson phillips), ex talk show y daughter de jewish beach Boybrian Wilson (mother marilyn
- Carnie Wilson - ex cantante (wilson phillips), ex talk show host, y daughter de beach boy
- Carol Connors - Wrote theme song for Rocky
- Carol Kane - actriz
- Carol Leiffer - commediante, escritora/Seinfeld
- Carole King - nee Klein. compositor
- Carolyn Summerlin-Comic/Concert pianista
- Carrie Fisher - actriz: Star Wars' Princess
- Cass Elliot (Elizabeth cohen) cantante de the mammas y the papas
- Cass, "Mama" (Liz Cohen) - actriz
- Celine Dion - cantante
- Chaim Goldberg - World renowned artist de the Shtetl Culture.
- Chaim Potokautor
- Charles Bronson (Charles Buchinsky), actor
- Charles Grodin - actor/escritor
- Charles Koppelman, EMI Records CEO
- Charles Orange - poeta
- Charlie Chaplin - comediante
- Charlie Sheen, actor
- Cher - pseudónimo de Justin Wilson
- Cherry, Ruben (A man who raised Elvis in public)
- Chessler, Deborah (Shirley Reingold)
- Chevy Chase -actor comediante
- Chico Marx - comediante (Marx Brothers)
- Chip Zien - Broadway actor (Falsettos, Into The Woods)
- Chris Isaac - Músico, mother is Jewish
- Christine Lakin - Step by Step
- Christmas"Biafra, Jello (cantante de American HC punk band Dead Kennedys)
- Christopher Lambert - actor (father jewish )
- Chuck Barris - Creator de The Dating Game <A
- Cindy Margolis- Model y Cyberpinup
- Claire Bloom - actriz
- Clare Carey - actriz, coach
- Claude - Michel Schonberg- Compositor de Les Mis
- Claude Berri - French film director
- Claude Lelouch - French film director
- Claude Levi-Strauss, antropólogo
- Claude Rains - actor (Casablanca)
- Claudia Scheinbaum, política de México
- Clea Lewis - actriz/ Audrey on Ellen
- Clifford Odetts-playwright (Golden Boy)
- Clio Goldsmith actriz
- Cloris Leachman - actriz
- Conan O'brien -
- Corey Feldman - actor
- Country Joe McDonald - cantante (mother jewish)
- Courtney Love - America's sweetheart
- Craig t. Nelson actor-coach
- Crystal, Billy - actor, comediante
- Curly Howard (Horowitz) - one de the Stooges
- D. Saevitz - Mazik from the rap group "Blood de Avraham"
- Dan Blocker - actor, Bonanza
- Dan Futterman- actor (The Birdcage)
- Dan Greenburg -autor ('How to be a Jewish Mother')
- Dan Lauria - actor/wonder years
- Dan Steely - cantante/Compositor
- Dancer Cass, "Mama"
- Dani from Cradle de Filth (Mother is Ethiopian, Father is Jewish)
- Dani Behr - S.African/British presenter (Giggs' girl)
- Dani Levy, director de cine.
- Daniel Ash y Kevin Haskin - Músicos from Bauhaus, British goth band
- Daniel Benzali - actor (The Series: Murder One)
- Daniel Catán, compositor de México
- Daniel Day Lewis, actor de Inglaterra de madre judía.
- Daniel Jonah Goldhagen -autor
- Daniel Stern - actor
- Danielle Harris - actriz
- Danny Jacobson escritor/productor
- Danny Kaye - philanthropist, song-and-dance Paedophil,
- Danny Klein, bajista de The J. Geils Band.
- Darren Aronofsky – director
- Dave Ehrman - actor
- Dave Katz - Lead cantante de Ekoositk Hookah
- David Arquette - actor
- David Janssen - actor
- David 'Dudu' Fisher - Popular Israeli cantante y Cantor
- David Beckham (1/4 jüdisch)
- David Birney - actor-St. Elswhere Jewish?
- David Brenner comediante
- David Broza --Israeli cantante/compositor
- David Bryan - Tecladista de Bon Jovi. Nombre verdadero: David Bryan Rashbaum
- David Copperfield - Ilusionista
- David Cronenberg - Canadian director/escritor (The Fly)
- David Draiman - cantante, vocalista de la banda de metal Disturbed y activista pro-Israel y a favor de la marihuana
- David Duchovny - Co-star de the hit show The X-Files
- David Gahan - Líder de la banda musical Depeche Mode
- David Geffen - Dreamworks, Owns Geffen Records (israelí)
- David Halberstam -autor
- David Harari- Bunghole Extradorinaire
- David Harari- Film Maker
- David Helfcott - pianista clásico/niño prodigio
- David Horowitz - T.V. Personality
- David Janssen - actor
- David Mamet (Richard Weisz) - director-escritor (The Verdict, Hoffa)
- David Milch - Co-productor/escritor de NYPD Blue
- David Notowitz - Film productor, escritor, editor
- David Oistrakh - Violinista
- David Ricardo – economista de Inglaterra.
- David Rockefeller, banquero, nieto de John D. Rockefeller el fundador de Standard Oil.
- David Sarnoff, RCA NBC head entertainment div.
- David Schwimmer - actor (Ross on 'Friends')
- David Steinberg - comediante/director
- David Susskind - productor
- David Zucker, director de cine.
- Davis, Jr., Sammy - Black cantante, actor, Dancer (died)
- Dean Malenko, professional wrestler, ex WCW champion
- Debbie Friedman - compositor y cantante
- Debbie Gibson - cantante supposed Jewish
- Debbie Goad - escritor (Answer Me!)
- Debi Nova, cantante de Costa Rica
- Deborah Raffin, actriz
- Debra Messing, actriz
- Debra Winger, acrtriz
- Denise Katrina Smith - también conocida como Vanity, su madre es judía
- Dennis Dammerman, Vice Chairman de General Electric.
- Dennis Prager - radio talk host, essayist, moralist
- Diane Venora - chicago hope
- Danne Waist actriz
- Dictators-'s NYC punk rock pioneers-Handsome Dick Manintoba (Richard Blum)
- DiDi Conn - actriz
- Die Hard, Robin Hood Prince de Thieves)
- Dina Meyer - actriz-appears in upcoming film 'Dragonheart
- Dina Sfat, Brazilian actriz
- Dinah Manoff - actriz / Nido Vacío
- Dinah Shore - cantante y estrella de TV. padre del Rabino Jack Benny (nombre real: Benjamin Kubelsky)
- Doc Severenson - Tonight Show
- Dominika Peczynski - TV star (Dominikas Planet, Crucified, Isrealism)
- Don Rickles -comediante
- Don Adams - agent
- Don Black - letrista de Sunset Boulevard
- Don Diamont - actor Young y Restless
- Don Rickles - comediante
- Don Siegel, director de cine.
- Donald Fagen - Steely Dan cantante/Compositor
- Donald Weilerstein, ex first violinist de Cleveland String Quartert
- Donna Karan - designer
- Donne Pescow - Angie T V Show
- Dorothy Lamour - actriz
- Dorothy Rothschild Parker -autor y Algonquin
- Doug Feiger - Músico, The Knack
- Douglas Fairbanks Sr. (Ulman)- Silents star
- Dr. Ruth - famoso Sex Therapist
- Drew Barrymore - actriz
- Duncan Renaldo - Tv's Cisco Kid (born in Roumania)
- Dustin Diamond - Screech from saved by the bell
- Dustin Hoffman - actor
- Dyan Cannon - actriz en la serie Ally McBeal
- Earl Pomerantz- executive productor for the Larry Sander's Show, Major Dad, (the old) Cosby Show
- Ed Asner - actor
- Ed Isaiah Wynn , actor
- Eddie Cantor - cantante, actor
- Eddie Fisher - cantante
- Eddie Vedder - lead voaclist for Pearl Jam
- Ed Isaiah Wynn - actor
- Edgar Bronfman, Sr., Chairman de Seagram Company Ltd.
- Edgar Bronfman, Jr. - presidente y director general de Seagram Company Ltd y presidente de Universal Studios
- Eduard Bernstein, político comunista
- Edward G Robinson tough guy actor deceased
- Edward G. Robinson (Emmanuel Goldenberg), actor
- Edward Newton -
- Edward Teller, científico nuclear.
- Eduardo Elsztain, empresario de Argentina
- Effi - Israeli Hot Head ( MTV's Road Rules)
- Efrem Zimbalist Sr.- World-class violinist
- Ehud Ólmert, Primer Ministro de Israel
- Elena Poniatowska, escritora de México.
- Elie Wiesel - escritor y propagandista del Holocausto
- Elijah Moshinsky, director de cine.
- Elisabeth Taylor – actriz
- Elizabeth Shue - Karate Kid, Back to the Future II & III, Leaving Las Vegas, The Saint, etc.
- Ellen Barkin - actriz
- Ellen Joan Collins - actriz y Socialite, Jewish?
- Elliot Goldenthal - Movie Compositor - Batman y Robin y others
- Elliot Gould, actor, M.A.S.H.
- Elmer Bernstein - Músico (Compositor/conductor)
- Elsa Morante, Italianautor
- Emanuel List - Opera cantante
- Emil Gilels - Concert pianista
- Emilio Betech Rophie, escritor y anfitrión de un talkshow judío en Radio Red (México).
- Emma Goldman, activista anarquista.
- Emma Lazarus - poeta ('Give me your tired, your poor,..' from the Statue de Liberty)
- Emma Samms - actriz on Dynasty
- Enrico Macias - Algerian-French jew
- Eric Johnson - solista (guitarista)
- Erich Fromm – psicólogo.
- Enrique Burak, comentarista deportivo de México.
- Enrique Krauze, escritor, historiador y ex profesor de la UNAM (México).
- Ernest Borgnine, Ernst (Effron) Borgnine - actor
- Ernst Lubitsch - Polish film director de classic To Be Or Not to Be
- Escher, M. C. - Artist, Explorer de the Infinite
- Estelle Getty - actriz (Sophia, Golden Girls)
- Estelle Harris - Yiddish actriz plays George's Mom on Seinfeld
- Esther Cohen, escritora de México.
- Esther Shabot, periodista y educadora de México.
- Ethan Coen - productor, director, escritor (Raising Arizona)
- Ethel Merman - ethel zimmerman perex
- Eugen Levine, revolucionario comunista de Rusia
- Eugene Levy actor/sctv
- Eugene Ormandy - conductor (purveyor de the Philadelphia sound)
- Eugene Orowitz (actor Michale Landon)
- Eugene Wigner, científico nuclear.
- Ezequiel Antar
- Ezra Shabot Azkenazi, analista político, conductor de radio y televisión, México
- F. Murray Abraham- actor (Amadeus)
- Fania Fenelon - cantante,autor, Holocaust survivor;*Playing for Time* is her autobiography
- Fanny Brice - comediante
- Fat Mike - cantante, guitarista y compositor for
- Faye Kellerman -autor,wife de jonathanHerb Edelman, - Police Chief on 'Murder She Wrote'
- Felix Mendelssohn, Compositor
- Fernando Schwartz, comentarista deportivo de México.
- Fidel Castro Ruz, dictador comunista de Cuba
- Florence Henderson - Brady Bunch, cantante
- Florenz Ziegfeld - theatrical productor
- Fran Drescher - actriz (from The Nanny)
- Francesca Annis -British actriz
- Francesca Neville - actriz de obras de Shakespeare
- Francisco De Narváez político y empresario de Colombia
- Frank Hope - From Oddville he is the host on the show.
- Frank Oz (Frank Ozkerwitz), director de cine.
- Frankie Vaughan - cantante.
- Franklin Delano Roosevelt (Rosenfeld), presidente de Estados Unidos.
- Franz Boas, antropólogo.
- Franz Kafka, escritor.
- Fred Astaire (nombre de nacimiento Fredrik Austerlitz) (?)
- Fred Levine, psicólogo.
- Fred Savage - Young actor from Wonder Years
- Fred Zinneman, director de cine.
- Freddie Prinz - comediante (mother)
- Fredrick Loewe - Compositor (Camelot, Gigi, My Fair Lady, Brigadoon)
- Frida Kahlo, pintora mexicana de padre judío
- Friedrich Engels – creador del comunismo junto a Karl Marx.
- Fritz Lang - German director de classics as Metropolis y The Vampire de Dusseldorf
- Fritz Reiner, George Szell - conductors
- Fyvush Finkel - actor/animador - Picket Fences
- Gabriel Kaplan - Comic/welcome back kotter
- Gabriel López de Rojas, masón y comunista de España.
- Gabriela Karteris
- Gaby Hoffmann -
- Garson Gershon Kanin - actor
- Gary Dell'Abate -
- Gary David Goldberg - productor
- Gary Dell'Abate - Howard Stern's productor (Baba Booey!)
- Gary Grant (Larry Leach), actor.
- Gary Hersh, Capitol Records CEO
- Gary Lewis - Rock cantante ( Jerry's Son )
- Gary Schandling - comediante
- Gari Kaspárov - político ruso y ex campeón del mundo de ajedrez
- Geddy Lee - lead cantante y bass player de the band Rush
- Geena Davis - actriz
- Geils Milton Berle - comediante
- Gene Barry - starred on TV Bat Masterson
- Gene Simmons - cantante/bass player for Kiss Israeli/Turkish, real name Haim Witz (or Gene Klein?)
- Gene Siskel - film critic (Siskel y Ebert)
- Gene Wilder (Jerome Silberman), actor
- Génrij Yagoda, jefe de la policía secreta de la Unión Soviética NKVD entre 1934 hasta 1936
- Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, filósofo de Alemania
- George Burns (Nathan Birnbaum), comediante, actor
- George Cukor, director de cine.
- George Gershwin - Compositor (Rhapsody in Blue)
- George Jessel - Toastmanster General
- George Segal - actor
- George Solti-conductor (Chicago Symphony)
- George Soros, especulador e inversionista
- George Szell, conductors
- Georges Bizet, -Compositor de Carmen, Symphony in Clifford Odetts-playwright (Golden Boy)
- Georgia Brown, actriz
- Gerald Levin, Time-Warner Comm. CO-CEO
- Geraldo Seinfeld Rivera, Talk Show
- Gershom Scholem, filólogo, historiador y teólogo israelí, mayor especialista en mística judía.
- Gertrude Berg - actriz (TV's 'The Goldbergs')
- Gifford, Cathy Lee Epstein - Talk Show Hostess
- Gilad Gelfond y David Cygielman- Rappers
- Gilbert Gottfried - comediante
- Gilda Radner - comediante, Saturday Night Live
- Gina Gershon - actriz/Showgirls
- Giora Fiedman - klezmer Músico
- Giselle Fernandez, periodista mexicana de madre judía.
- Goddard Lieberson - President de Columbia Records
- Golda Meir, Primera Ministra de Israel
- Goldie Hawn, actriz
- Gordon, Tony (Manager UK punk band Sham 69)
- Grace Lee Whitney - actriz who portrayed Yeoman Rand on 'Star Trek'
- Graham Gouldman - member de cc, 's pop compositor
- Greg Hetson - guitarista de Bad Religion y Circle Jerks
- Greg Wise - actor
- Gregg Woodman - The Sidewinder
- Gregor Piatigorsky, Emanuel Feuermann, cellists
- Gregory Peck - actor
- Grigori Zinóviev, político comunista.
- Groucho Marx, comediante, (Marx Brothers)
- Guillermo Kahlo, fotógrafo de México, padre de Frida Kahlo.
- Gummo Marx - comediante (Marx Brothers)
- Gustav Mahler - compositor
- Gwyneth Paltrow - estrella de televisión (Emma, Seven) de padre judío
- H. Leivick - poeta ruso: 'The Golem'
- Haim Topol - actor (Fiddler on the Roof)
- Hal Linden (Hal Lipshitz, actor
- Halim Yeah
- Hank Azaria, actor de voz en Los Simpsons y starred in Birdcage
- Hans Rosenthal - German showmaster, a human trash (Menschlicher Abschaum)
- Harlan Ellison-Science fiction escritor
- Harold Clurman, director de cine
- Harold Pinter - English actor y playescritor; founder de the 'absurd theatre'.
- Harold Prince - Broadway director (Phantom de The Opera, Cabaret, y many more)
- Harpo Marx - comediante del grupo de los Hermanos Marx
- Harvey Weinstein - productor de cine
- Harrison Ford - actor (madre judía)
- Harry Ellis Dickson - ex Boston Pops Conductor
- Harry Houdini (Ehrlich Weiss), famoso ilusionista y escapista.
- Harry James - bandleader (esposo de Betty Grable)
- Harry Rabinowitz, conductor
- Harry Reems, estrella porno
- Hart Bochner actor-director
- Harvey Fierstein, actor, escritor.
- Harvey Keitel - (actor: Pulp Fiction, The Piano, etc)
- Harvey Korman-comediante, Costar de The Carol Burnett Show
- Herbert Ross, director de cine
- Herbert Wise, director de cine
- Heddy Lamarr, actriz.
- Helen Hunt, actriz de padre judío.
- Helen Kleinbort Krauze, historiadora, madre de Enrique Krauze (México).
- Helen Reddy - cantante conversa.
- Helen Shapiro - British pop cantante
- Helena Bonham-Carter--her mother is a Rothschild
- Henny Youngman - comediante
- Henri Bergson - noble prize winner (literature)
- Henry Jaglom - director de off-beat films
- Henry Kiscantante (Abraham ben Elazar), político de Estados Unidos
- Henry Kissinger - secretario de Estado de los EE.UU. durante los mandatos de Richard Nixon y Gerald Ford
- Henry Winkler - actor ('The Fonze' on 'Happy Days')
- Henryk Szeryng, violinista de México.
- Herb Alpert - Músico y mogul (Russian Jewish)
- Herb Edelman - Police Chief on 'Murder She Wrote'
- Herman Wouk -autor de War y Rememberance y other great epic novels
- Herschel Bernardi - actor
- Herschel Savage - actriz pornográfica
- Hillel Slovak - Late guitarista for Red Hot Chili PeppersVictor Borge (Borge Rosenbaum) pianista y humorista
- Himmelman, Peter - Músico (and son-in-law to B. Dylan)
- Horacio Verbitsky, periodista y escritor de Argentina.
- Horst Buchholz - Germqan actor (one de the Magnificent Seven).
- Howard Ashman - letrista Little Shop de Horrors, Disney animated features
- Howard Kylan - co-founder de the turtles
- Howard Stern - productor (Baba Booey!)
- Howie Mandel - comediante
- Howie Morris - comediante (Your Show de Shows)
- Hugh Hefner - empresario del porno, fundador de Playboy
- Hy Berkawitz -Owner de Rogers in Grand Rapids
- Ian Ziering - actor, Gene Barry - starred on TV Bat Masterson
- Iggy Pop - músico
- Ilan Stavans - crítico literario de México
- Ilya Ehrenburg, periodista y propagandista soviético
- Iósif Stalin, dictador comunista (URSS).
- Ira Gershwin - letrista
- Irv Rubin, ex-presidente de la Liga de Defensa Judía
- Irving Berlin - compositor & escritor de musicals (God Bless America, White Christmas, There's No Business Like Show Business)
- Irving Layton - Canadian poeta
- Irwin Chusid- escritor, Record productor, Radio Personality y Bon Vivant
- Irwin Kershner, director de cine
- Isaac Asimov - mundialmente famoso escritor de ciencia ficción
- Isaac Babel - escritor
- Isaac Bashevis - escritor (Yiddish), conocido como el guitarrista Slash de Guns and Roses
- Isaac Deutscher - anautor (biography de "Stalin")
- Isaac Goldberg Levy, Rabino de México.
- Isaac Mizrahi - diseñador de modas
- Isaac Saba Raffoul, empresario de México
- Isaac Stern - violinista
- Isle Renee Taylor - actriz (The Nanny)
- Israel Horowitz - autor de obras de teatro
- Israel Jaitovich, comediante de México
- Ivan Reitman - director canadiense de Meatballs

Jeffrey Epstein, famoso proxeneta judío que proporcionaba chicas a celebridades y que supuestamente se suicidó en prisión.
- J. D. Salinger-autor (Catcher in the Rye)
- Jack Benny (Benjamin Kubelsky - real name)
- Jack Black - actor
- Jack Carter - Comedy
- Jack Gilford - comediante/actor
- Jack Klugman - Oscar from The Odd CouplePaul McKellar-Nazi Hunter, Nationally recognized lectur on Holocaust events.
- Jack Rosenthal - playwrite
- Jack Spector - Disc Jockey
- Jackie Kallen - manager de James Toney
- Jackie Mason - ordained Rabbi y comediante
- Jackie Vernon- comediante
- Jacob Bekenstein, físico de México.
- Jacob Freedman -- WBZC's Sunday Morning Klezmer DJ
- Jacobo Zabludovsky, periodista y reportero de México.
- Jaime Alissa Yoss - Gymnast, Indy car driver
- Jakob Dylan - lead cantante de The Wallflowers y son de the great Bob Dylan
- James Caan - (actor) Rollerball etc.
- James Concord Douglas
- James L. Brooks - productor
- James Spader - actor
- Jamie Curtis - actriz, hija de Tony Curtis
- Jamie Gertz - actriz
- Jamie Lee Curtis - actriz, de padre judío
- Jamie Luner - actriz she was on the show Savannah
- Jan Murray - comediante
- Jan Peerce (Pinchus Perlmutter) - great operatic tenor
- Jane Kaczmarek - actriz
- Jane Seymour (Joyce Penelope Frankenburg) - actriz de padre judío.
- Jane Wiedland - Member de the Go-Gos.
- Janet Leigh-Movie Star (Psycho,Bye Bye Birdie), mother de Jamie Lee Curtis Jewish?
- Jason Alexander - actor (George Castanza on 'Seinfeld')
- Jason Bateman - actor
- Jason Hervey - co-estrella de The wonder years
- Jason Marsden - actor
- Jay Black - Jay and The Americans
- Jay Diamond - Radio Talk Show Host (used to be on WABC)
- Jean Claude Van Damme - de madre judía
- Jean Jacques Goldman, french Músico et cantante
- Jean-Luc Godard - filmmaker
- Jean-Pierre Barda - actor, TV star member de Swedish dance band Army de Lovers (Crucified, Isrealism)
- Jeannie Becker - Fashion Television
- Jeannie Berlin, actriz.
- Jeff Beck, guitarrista
- Jeff Chandler - actor
- Jeff Daniels (?), actor
- Jeff Goldblum, actor
- Jeff Goldman, actor
- Jeff Sagansky, CBS Head Entertainment Division
- Jeffrey Archerautor
- Jeffrey Epstein - proxeneta judío que atendía a celebridades
- Jeffrey Meyer - Yankee Hero
- Jeffrey Meyer - Yankee Hero
- Jenna Jameson - porn star/mother teresa protege/wife de SQS
- Jenna Leigh Green - actriz on Sabrina The Teenage Witch
- Jenna Von Oy - actriz who played six on blossom Jewish?
- Jennifer Doctorovich - theater actriz in Houston Texas
- Jennifer Grey - actriz (Baby, Dirty Dancing)
- Jennifer Jason LeighJ
- Jennifer Rubin - actriz/Screamers
- Jeremy Knots
- Jerome Kern - Compositor de Show Boat
- Jeremy Paul Kagan, director de cine
- Jeremy Priven - actor
- Jerome Robbins - choreographer, director
- Jerry Lewis (Joseph Levitch), comediante, actor, director
- Jerry Orbach-Briscoe on Law y Order.
- Jerry Bock - Compositor( Fiddler On The Roof, She Loves Me plus more)
- Jerry Herman - Compositor de Hello Dolly
- Jerry Lewis - comediante, actor, director
- Jerry Maguire- Músico de REO Speedwagon
- Jerry Orbach-actor
- Jerry Seinfeld - comediante, tv star
- Jerry Springer - Talk show host
- Jerry Stiller - Mr. Costanza y Ben's dad
- Jerry Walker - Disc Jockey, ABC Radio Network
- Jerry Zucker, director de cine.
- Jerzy Kosinski - Novelist
- Jessica Hecht actriz-single guy
- Jessica Lundy - actriz (Hope y Gloria)
- Jessica Savitch - NBC News' ex Golden Girl
- Jessica Tandy - actriz, Driving Miss Daisy
- Jessica Walter - actriz
- Jill Clayburgh-actriz (An Unmarried Woman, Silver Streak)
- Jim Abrahams, director de cine.
- Jim Bradley - in Dog Trainer
- Jim Shapiro - Músico, Veruca Salt
- Jim Steinman - Compositor for Meat Loaf,Jo Amar - famoso cantante - Morocco
- Joan Collins - actriz y Socialite Jewish?
- Joan Lunden, real last name Blundensaul rubinek, actor
- Joan Micklin Silver - director, escritor (Hester Street, Crossing Delancey)
- Joan Rivers - comediante/escritor/jeweler/actriz
- Joanna Gleason (daughter de Monty Hall) actriz
- Joanna Going - actriz
- Joe Dytko--the first founder de the turrles
- Joe Belgrade - stage y screen actor
- Joe Besser - one de the three stooges, for a while
- Joe Cocker - famoso cantante israeli/german
- Joe DeCarlo, comediante.
- Joe Dytko - the first founder de the turrles
- Joe Elliot- Def Leppard lead cantante
- Joe May (Joseph Mandel), director de cine
- Joe T Turri - famoso NY house music productor
- Joel Coen - productor, director, escritor (Raising Arizona)
- Joel Grey - Broadway actor (Emcee, Cabaret)
- Joel Siegel - film critic ABC
- Joel Silver - productor ( Die Hard I,II,III etc. )
- Joely Fisher - actriz, Ellen Half-sister de Carrie.Mitul Patel - Jewish/Indian actor
- Joey Bishop - comic
- Joey Ramone - Lead cantante de the Ramones
- Joey Slotnick - actor/single guy
- John Banner - actor (Schultz from Hogan's Heroes) Jewish?
- John Byrne -(born Bronowski) - wanker
- John Forsythe -(John Freund) actor
- John Garfield - 's movie star
- John Huston, director de cine.
- John Kerry – secretario de estado de EE.UU. entre 2013 y 2017, primo lejano de George W. Bush
- John Leguizamo-Colombian actor/comediante
- John Lukacs - historiador
- John Rubenstein - actor
- John Rubinstein- actor (Family; son de Artur)
- John Schlecantante, director de cine.
- John Stossel /Ross Martin- actor (TV's 'The Wild, Wild, West').Real name Martin Rosenblatt.
- John Taylor - Bass de Duran Duran jewish?
- Jolsen, Al - cantante, Mummer, Cantor
- Jon Lovitz, actor, comediante (Saturday Night Live, The Critic)
- Jon Stewart- comediante Hilarious Jew
- Jonathan Brandis - actor
- Jonathan Kellerman - best sellingautor
- Jonathan Larson - Compositor de the musical RENT
- Jonathan Mostow - guionista y director
- Jonathan Silverman - actor/Single guy
- Jonathan Taylor Thomas - real name Jonathan Weiss
- Jonathon Lipnicki - child actor/ Jerry Maguire
- Jonathon Wolfe Músico
- Jonny Clegg - músico de Sudáfrica.
- Jorge Castañeda Gutman, político de México.
- José Merino, comunista de Costa Rica
- José Woldenberg, primer presidente del Instituto Federal Electoral (IFE) (México).
- Josef Schmidt, opera cantantes
- Josef Schmidt, Rosa Raisa, Leonard Warren, opera cantantes
- Josef Szigeti y Mischa Elman - violinistas
- Josef Von Sternberg - actor/director
- Joseph Brodsky - Winner de the Nobel Prize for Literature
- Joseph Gordon - Levitt - actor on rd Rock From The Sun
- Joseph Mankiewicz, director de cine.
- Joseph Papp public theatre
- Joseph Retinger, fundador del Movimiento Europeo.
- Josh Server - actor del show "All That"
- Josh Peck, actor de Drake & Josh.
- Josh Meisels -- marathon runner
- Josh Mostel - actor-son de zero mostel
- Josh Niehaus -Músico/animador/player
- Joshua Redman - saxaphonist, Jewish mother
- Josh Silver - (keyboard player in goth metal band)
- Joy Division (at least Peter Hook, Stephen Morris y Bernard Sumner, Ian Curtis?)
- Juan Valdez - Columbian coffee guy (born John Feldenstein)
- Judd Hirsh actor-TaxiStan - South Park (Comedy Central) character (Wed. pm EST)
- Judd Nelson - actor, Suddenly Susan, The Breakfast Club
- Judit Bokser, escritora y profesora en la UNAM (México).
- Judy Blume - Children'sautor
- Judy Holliday, actriz.
- Judy Kuhn - Broadway actriz (Voice de Pocahontes)
- Judy Landers - actriz
- Jule Styne - Compositor de Gypsy
- Jules Dassin - film director
- Julia Louis - actriz
- Julianna Margulies, actriz.
- Julie Kavner - actriz, voice de Marge Simpson
- Julio Frenk, Ex-secretario de Salud de México.
- Julio Popper, ingeniero de Argentina, nacido en Rumania.
- Julius Lester -autor y profesor Jewish?
- June Allyson Ella Geisman - actriz
- Justin Miller -- first male to receive breast implant
- Justin Wilson-Mais, Cher, ANOTHER famoso Cajun
- Justine Bateman - actriz
- Justine Frischmann - lead cantante de well known UK indie band Elastica
- Karl Haas-pianista, conductor, acclaimed host de Adventures in Music
- Karl Liebknecht, político comunista.
- Karl Maiden (Maiden Sekulovitch), actor.
- Karl Marx (Kissel Mordechai) – Ideólogo, padre del comunismo.
- Kate Capshaw - actriz
- Katey Segal -actriz/cantante
- Katherine Meyer Graham - Newsweek, Washington Post. Hija de Eugene Meyer.
- Kathie Lee Gifford - (father was Jewish Epsteen)
- Kathy Levine - QVC Hostess
- Katrina Neville- soprano- star de Penn State Opera Theatre
- Keith Gordon, director de cine.
- Keith Moon - The Who (Reputedly Jewish)
- Ken Berry-T.V. star-Mayberry R.F.D., F Troop
- Ken Olin - actor\thirtysomething
- Ken Wahl - Wiseguy star Jewish?
- Kenny Brockelstein
- Kenny G - World renowned Músico(sax)
- Kerry King,Jeff Hanneman - guitaristas for Slayer
- Kevin Cronin-Músico de REO Speedwagon
- Kevin Kline - actor, Best Supporting Oscar in A Fish Called Wanda
- Kevin Pollack - actor
- Kim Greist actriz: chicago hope/homeward bound
- Kim Iglinski - top-model israelí, discovered in Paris with y/o.
- Kim Zimmer actrizs/guiding light
- King Diamond - american cantante (Mercyful Fate)
- Kinky Friedman - country cantante y mysteryautor
- Kirk Douglas (Issur Danilovich Demsky), actor.
- Kirka Babitzin - cantante finés
- Kirschner, Mia - actriz/Exotica
- Kitty Carlisle - panelist on What's My Line (real last name: Conn)
- Klezmer - músico pop
- Knopfler, Mark - Dire Straits
- Kurt Eisner - político comunista.
- Kurt Weil - compositor (Three Penny Opera)
- Lacey Chabert - actriz on Party de Five
- Larisa Oleynik - Secret World de Alex Mack
- Larry Adler - world famoso harmonica player
- Larry David escritor-productorKeith Moon - The Who ( Reputedly Jewish
- Larry Fine - one de the Three Stooges
- Larry Floyd Matthews - Country cantante/accordianist
- Larry Gelbart - Mash productor
- Larry Storch - F Troop actor
- Laura Bertam, actriz on the Disney Channel 'Ready or Not'Sid Ceasar - Your Show de Shows
- Laura Nyro - cantante
- Larry Peerce, director de cine.
- Larry Wachowski, director de cine, hermano de Andy Wachowski.
- Laura Schlecantante - Radio host yautor.
- Laura Shaff, Bon Vivant, Girl About Town
- Lauren Bacall, actriz.
- Laurence Harvey, actor.
- Laurence Tolhurst - baterista original de The Cure
- Laurin Sydney - Show biz Today CNN
- Lawrence A. Tisch - director general de CBS TV, teatros, hoteles, seguros (Before him was 1928 William S. Paley son de russian jews, retired 1983)
- Lawrence Harvey - born Skikne - actor
- Lawrence Hershon- little in the middle but he got much back
- Leah Remini - actriz , sitcom Fired Up Ricki Lake - talk show hostess
- Lee Epstein - Talk Show Hostess
- Lee Grant - actriz/director
- Lee Konitz - Músico (jazz saxophonist)
- Lee Strassberg - actor
- Lee Zurik - Sports on CBS
- Leia Phil Ochs - Topical Folk cantante de 'sHoward Ashman letrista Little Shop de Horrors,
- Leiber y STOLLER - Compositors, productors,escritors,hound dog,
- Lena Brenner-story teller
- Lenny Bruce - comic
- Lenny Kravitz - cantante, guitarista
- Leo Genn - famoso actor británico (Quo Vadis)
- Leo Gorcey - actor
- Leó Szilárd, científico nuclear.
- Leon Askin - actor, director (General Burkhalter in Hogan's Heroes)
- León Trotsky (Bronstein), político comunista de Rusia.
- Leonard Bernstein - Compositor (West Side Story)
- Leonard Cohen - Bohemian Song escritor
- Leonard Harry Goldenson, ABC (Capital Cities ABC TV)
- Leonard Nimoy, actor (Star Trek's 'Spock')
- Leonard Stern, Village Voice. Hartz, pets supply.
- Leonard Warren, opera cantantes
- Leslie Ann Warren - actriz Jewish?
- Leslie Gore - cantante
- Leslie Howard (Leslie Stainer), actor de Inglaterra.
- Leslie Stahl - Sixty Minutes
- Lev Kámenev (Rosenfeld), político comunista.
- Lew Wasserman, MCA Inc. CEO. 1991. Bought by SONY. but Wasserman still is CEO.
- Lilli Palmer - actriz
- Linda (Epstein) Eastman - Paul Macartney's wife
- Linda Lavin - TV Show Alice
- Linda Rondstat -cantante Jewish grandparents
- Lindsey Crouse - actriz (Daniel)
- Lionel Walter Rothschild, banquero, miembro de la Familia Rothschild.
- Lisa Bonet, actriz, ex-esposa de Lenny Kravitz.
- Lisa Edelstein - actriz/Relativity
- Lisa Kudrow - TV Star - Friends
- Lisa Loeb - cantante with band Nine Stories (spelling?)
- Liv Tyler - actriz daughter de Steven Tyler
- Liz Cohen - an actriz Cherry,
- Lorenzo Lamas - actor ( Jewish Mom )
- Lori Beth Denberg - actriz on the show All That
- Lorne Green - Bonaza star
- Lorne Michaels - T.V. productor (created Saturday Night Live)
- Lorraine Bracco - actriz (Goodfellas)
- Lorraine Newman - Saturday Night Live
- Lou Reed - Músico
- Louie Nye (Neistat) - comediante
- Louise Lasser - Mary Hartman
- Louise Rainer-actriz
- Louise Wener - Frontwoman Britpop band Sleeper
- Lyle Waggoner - comediante y ex costar de The Carol Burnett Show
- Madeleine Albright - secretaria de estado de los Estados Unidos bajo el gobierno de Bill Clinton
- Madeline Kahn - actriz (Clue, Nixon)
- Madonna, cantante de pop, convertida al cabalismo, no es judía en sentido estricto pero *realiza contribuciones para la causa sionista
- Maeve Kinkead - actriz-guiding light
- Magic Dick, trompetista de The J. Geils Band
- Magnus Hirschfeld, médico, sexólogo, anarquista y activista pro-homosexualismo. Fue el primer autor en utilizar el término racismo
- Malcolm Gets - actor (Richard on Caroline in the City)
- Malcolm McLaren--manager/impresario de the Sex Pistols
- Manfred Mann - Músico
- Mara Wilson - child actriz in Miracle on th St, Mrs Doubtfire
- Marat Galperin - athlete, animador, y regulator
- Marc Bolan (Marc Feld) - UK cantante: T. Rex Frontman
- Marc Chagall - pintor, visual artist
- Marcel Marceau - famoso French mimo
- Marcel Proust Second most important escritor (after Kafka) this century
- Marcelo Ebrard, político izquierdista de México
- Marcos Moshinsky, físico de México
- Margo Glantz, escritor y crítico de México
- Marianne Faithful - cantante, girlfriend de Mick Jagger
- Marie Rappold - Opera cantante
- Marilyn Bergman - compositor
- Marilyn Michaels - Impressionist
- Mario Luis Kreutzberger Blumenfeld (Don Francisco) – Entertainment television host
- Marion Ross - actriz 'Brooklyn Bridge' y 'Happy Days'
- Mark Banks - South African comediante
- Mark Bomer-Jewish Activist y Historian
- Mark Dixon - Counts cars in Nissan in Sunderland,UK
- Mark Feuerstein - actor (comedy Fired Up)
- Mark Frankel - actorFreed, Alan (radio star in 50B4s to play Rock n' Roll)
- Mark Knopfler - Dire Straits lead vocal y guitarista
- Mark Moses - actor/single guy
- Mark Reizen - Great Russian bass, "probably the greatest bass voice Russia ever produced"
- Mark Rothko - Abstract Expressionist pintor
- Mark Tacher, actor de México, hermano de Alan Tacher.
- Mark Volman co-founder de the turtles
- Mark Walberg - Game Show Host(The Big Date)
- Mark Zuckerberg - Creador de Facebook
- Marla Sokoloff - actriz
- Marlee Matlin- Deaf actriz-Picket Fences
- Marshall Lahiff, rabino de México.
- Martin S. Davis, Paramount Comm. CEO.
- Martin Sheen
- Martin Gore- compositor (Depeche Mode)
- Martin Landau - actor
- Martin Mull - Comedy
- Martin Ritt, director de cine.
- Martins, Luciano Costa - Músico (mother mulatta, father comediante/jewish)
- Marty Balin - cantante, Jefferson Airplane (father)
- Marty Feldman - actor, comediante
- Marvin Hamlisch - Compositor de A Chorus Line
- Marx, Harpo - comediante
- Mary Livingstone - comediante
- Matityahu Glazerson -autor de Mystical Books/Compositor
- Matt Fraiberg -owner Guardian Alarm
- Matt Lauer - NBC Today Show
- Matthew Bratter - Músico, Daisy's Red Gravy Train
- Matthew Broderick, actor de madre judía.
- Matthew Kuchta - porn star
- Maureen Lipman - comic actriz.
- Maurice Schwartz - major figure in Yiddish Theatre
- Maury Chaykin - actor -
- Maury Povich - Talk show host
- Maury Yeston- Musical Compositor de shows like Nine, Phantom y Titanic
- Max Aranoff (sp?), violist de the Curtis String Quartet
- Max Felix-actor y radio personality-argentina
- Max Fleischer - Animation productor (Betty Boop, Popeye, etc.)
- Max Miller - English music hall comediante.
- Max Ophuls (Maximilian Oppenheimer), director de cine.
- Max Reinhardt (Maximillian Goldman), director de cine.
- Max Warburg - banker
- Max Weinberg - baterista for bruce springstein, conan o'brien
- Maxim Gorgi - Russian escritor
- Maxwell Smart
- Maya Plisetskaya - Russian balet dancer
- Mayer, Louis B. - Founder & director at Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
- MCA (Adam Yauch)- Rap Músico, Beastie Boys
- Meir Kahane, rabino y sionista de Estados Unidos.
- Mel Baron -- hero? in WW
- Mel Blanc - Best-Known Cartoon Voices
- Mel Brooks, actor, director, comediante, escritor.
- Mel Tilles--Country y Western cantante
- Mel Torme - cantante, actor, compositor (The Christmas Song)
- Melanie Chartoff - actriz
- Melanie Mayron - thirty something
- Melissa Gilbert - actriz
- Melissa Joan Hart - Mother's father devout orthodox Jew
- Melissa Manchester - cantante
- Melissa Rosenberg - Joan Rivers' daughter/Host Entertaiment
- Melville Shavelson, director de cine.
- Melvin Frank, director de cine.
- Melvyn Douglas, actor.
- Menahem Golan - Israeli productor/director
- Mendel Feibush - famoso Yiddish character actor
- Meredith Bishop - actriz 'Secret World de Alex Mack'
- Mervyn LeRoy, director de cine.
- Michael Lembeck - actor/director
- Michael Rappaport -actor
- Michael Berrin - M.C. Search formally de rd Bass
- Michael Bolton - cantante
- Michael Buchmann Silver-actor (DA on NYPD Blue)
- Michael Douglas (Kirk's son) actor
- Michael Eisner - CEO de The Walt Disney Company
- Michael Fishman, actor-roseanne
- Michael Friedman aka Paolo Pinkel - German TV Talkmaster
- Michael Gelman - productor de Regis y Kathie Lee
- Michael Jackson - ABC Talk Radio Host
- Michael Kinsley - syndicated columnist
- Michael Krugman -autor de Generation Ecch
- Michael Landon - Little House On The Prairie (Eugene Orowitz - real name)
- Michael Lembeck - actor/director
- Michael Landsberg - periodista deportivo y presentador
- Michael Mills (born Milstein) cellist, brain surgeon, comediante, petty bureaucrat
- Michael Ovitz - Present Disney Boss
- Michael P. Schulhof, SONY. Vice chairman.
- Michael Rappaport - actor
- Michael Richards - Seinfeld
- Michael Stoyanov - actor he played Tony Ruso on the show Blossom
- Michael T. Weiss - TV actor (The Pretender)
- Michael Tucker - actor, LA Law
- Michael Wolf - Músico
- Michel Berger, french Compositor y cantante (tycoon)
- Michel Boujenah - famoso french actor
- Michele Landsberg - newspaper columnist y Jewish Womens activist
- Michelle Lee, actriz
- Mick Green - Rock guitarista with the Pirates (was Johnny Kidd y the Pirates)
- Mick Jones - Músico from the Clash/B.A.D. - mother Jewish
- Mickey Cohen - Gangster
- Mickey Hart - baterista for Grateful Dead (also Mystery Box)
- Miguel Goldstein, cofundador con Salomon Cohen de las tiendas departamentales Dorian (México).
- Mike Bloomfield - Blues guitarista
- Mike Diamond - Músico (Beastie Boys)
- Mike Gordan - Bass for Phish
- Mike Nichols - director ( The Graduate, Catch , The Birdcage )
- Mike Ogulnick one on one, sport
- Mike Stern - Jazz guitarrista
- Mike Wallace - Television actor/single guy
- Mili Avital - Israeli actriz, U.S. debut.
- Milton Berle -comediante
- Minelli, Liza - cantante/actriz
- Mircea Crisan (Kraus?) romanian animador
- Missy Yager - is currently in the Anne Frank play on broadway
- Mitul Patel - Jewish/Indian actor
- Mitzi Gaynor - actriz, Dancer, cantante
- Moe Howard - one de the Three Stooges
- Moe Kauffman - Canadian jazz great
- Moira Shearer, actriz.
- Moisés Saba, empresario de México, hijo de Isaac Saba Raffoul, presidente del Consejo de Administración, Consejero Propietario y Presidente Ejecutivo de Unefon, Cosmofrecuencias, Textiles Ayotla, Grupo Alsavisión, Radio Televisora Centro, S.A. de C.V
- Mollie Steimer, de origen ruso, anarquista y comunista, compañero de Senya Fleshin.
- Molly Picon - actriz
- Molly Ringwald - Brat Pack actriz
- Monica Lewinsky, becaria de la Casa Blanca que protagonizó el escándalo sexual con Bill Clinton en los años 1990s.
- Monty Hall - game show host
- Mordechai Richler - famoso escritor de Montreal
- Morie Amsterdam
- Morley Safer - periodista de televisión (Minutes)
- Morris Carnovsky, actor
- Morris Gilbert, director de OCESA Teatro (México).
- Mort Sahl - Comedy
- Mortimer Zuckerman, US News y World Report, DAILY NEWS. New ceo.
- Moshe Weinberg (Vainberg), Russian Compositor y contemporary de Shostakovitch.
- Mother Teresa protege/wife de SQSShelley Winters Shirley Schrift - actriz
- Mr. G - WPIX New York weatherman
- Mr. Rogers - TV star... plays with little kids
- Murray Kaufman (Murray The K, The Fifth Beatle) - Disc Jockey, WINS
- Myriam Moscona, escritora de México, periodista, poeta y traductora.
- Naomi Shemer, compositor para el Yerushalayim shel zahav.
- Natalie Portman, actriz.
- Natalie Wood (Natasha Gurdin), actriz.
- Natalio Finkelstein - famoso violinist in tango orchestras- Argentina
- Natanya Ross - actriz 'Secret World de Alex Mack'
- Natasha Lyonne- jewish actriz
- Nathanael West (Nathan Weinstein) - escritor - Miss Lonelyhearts; The Day de the Locust,
- Neil Diamond - Músico, cantante, actor
- Neil Gaiman -autor (Sandman, Neverwhere)
- Neil Sedaka - cantante
- Neil Simon - Broadway playwright
- Nelly Sachs - poeta, Premio Nobel de literatura
- Neriah Davis- porn star
- Neuwirth, Bebe - Lilith on Cheers
- Niels Böhr - físico
- Nicholas Meyer, director de cine.
- Nichols y May - comediantes
- Nicolas Sarkozy presidente de Francia, etnocida.
- Nina Gordon - Músico
- Nina Hartley - Actriz y Directora pornográfica.
- Nina Rodzynek - Músico
- Noah Wyle, actor.
- Noam Chomsky, lingüista, filósofo y anarquista.
- Nora Ephron - escritor/director
- Norm Crosby - comediante
- Norm Crosby- Standup comic
- Norman Corwin - American radio dramatist
- Norman Finkelstein, profesor de Ciencias Políticas, antisionista y crítico de Israel y el Holocausto.
- Norman Greenbaum - 'Spirit in the Sky' Músico
- Norman Lear - All In The Familiy
- Nostradamus (Michel de Nôtre-Dame) – famoso prophet (his grandfather was jew)
- Ofarim Abi, pop cantante y a bad one too
- Ofra Haza - Israeli cantante
- Olga Benario, militante comunista.
- Olivia Newton John - Australian Pop cantante
- Omri Katz - actor
- Oathan Larson - Compositor (Rent)
- Ophelie Winter french actriz y cantante
- Oscar Hammerstein - deceased Compositor de Broadway musicals
- Oscar Levant - pianista
- Otto Frank, padre de Ana Frank y co-autor del Diario de Ana Frank
- Otto Klemperer - Orchestral Conductor
- Otto Preminger, director de cine.
- Pablo Rudomín, Neurocientífico de México.
- Pamela Anderson - Playboy model (born as Joan Goldstein)
- Pat Benatar - famoso cantante
- Pat Nash - real name-Jacob Goldberg -- famoso Israeli cantante y Cantor Yiddish escritor/actor (Three Penny Opera)
- Patinkin, Mandy - actor (Chicago Hope)
- Patricia Richardson - actriz/home improvement
- Patricia Wettig - actriz-thirtysomething
- Patrick Bruel - French cantante
- Paul Auster -autor y poeta
- Paul Cohen - Quebecer guitarista
- Paul Heyman - promotor de lucha libre
- Paul Kossoff - guitarista english group free
- Paul Mazursky, director de cine.
- Paul McKellar-Nazi Hunter, Nationally recognized lectur on Holocaust events.
- Paul Michael glazer - actor/director starsky y hutch
- Paul Muni - actor ('Louis Pasteur', 'Fugitive from a Chain Gang')
- Paul Newman - actor
- Paul Reiser, actor. Mad About You.
- Paul Rubin - comediante and...
- Paul Shaffer Músico-letterman show
- Paul Simon - Músico
- Paul Sills - founding director de Second City
- Paul Stanley - cantante/guitarista player for Kiss, real name Stanley Eisen
- Paul Whiteman, Early big jazz band conductor
- Paula Abdul - famoso cantante (Mother is French canadian Jew)
- Paula Prentiss - actriz
- Paula Zahn - broadcast periodista cbs
- Paulette Goddard - famoso movie actriz de the past
- Pauly Shore - actor
- Pedro Friedeberg, pintor de México.
- Peggy Lipton - Mod Squad actriz From Lawrence N Y
- Perelman S. J. escritor
- Perlman, Itzhak - World-Renowned Violinist
- Perry Farrel (Bernstein). Músico, Porno for Pyros
- Peter Bogdanovich, director de cine.
- Peter Chernin, President y Co-COO de News Corporation Limited, 20th Century Fox. dec. 1992 new CEO.
- Peter Falk - actor (TV's 'Columbo')
- Peter Green - Blues guitarista, founder de Fleetwood Mac
- Peter Guber, Columbia Pictures. 1989. Comprada por SONY, Guber reemplazó a Kaufman como CEO.
- Peter Kalikow, New York Post. Real estate devloper.
- Peter Lorre - alias Ladislav Loewenstein, actor
- Peter Mark Richman - actor/escritor/artist
- Peter Riegert - actor, Crossing Delancey
- Peter Rosenberg - DJ y locutor de radio
- Peter R. Kann, Dow Jones, Wall St Journal, Barrons.
- Peter Sellers, actor y comediante.
- Peter Ustinov - an actor
- Peter Wolf, vocalista de The J. Geils Band
- Phil Glasser- actor- An American Tail (Fievel)
- Phil Ochs - Topical Folk cantante de 's
- Phil Silvers - Sgt. Bilko
- Philip Roth -autor
- Phobe Levy Pember --Confederate Civil War Heroine
- Phoebe Cates-Costar de Fast Times at Ridgemont High (Real last name: Katz)
- Phoebe Snow - cantante
- Phyllis Newman - actriz
- Pierre Monteux - Orchestral Conductor
- Pincas Zuckerman
- Pinky Lee(Pincas Levy)--Children animador de the 's
- Piper Laurie (Rosetta Jacobs), actriz.
- Pittsburgh Pete - Radio actor
- Polly Bergen - actriz
- Polly Draper - actriz, (Thirty something) supposed Jewish
- Karol Wojtilla (papa Juan Pablo II) - su apellido materno era Kaczorowsky
- Prescott Sheldon Bush – Senator de USA, Grandfather de George W. Bush
- Primo Levi – escritor (Holocaust Survivor)
- Rachel Rosenthal - Los Angeles-based performace artist
- Rachel Lipman - Emmy winning tv escritor ('Rugrats','Hey Arnold',...)
- Rachel Miner - actriz/Guiding Light y is also in the Anne Frank play
- Rachel Rosenthal - Los Angeles-based performace artist
- Rachel Weisz – actriz, Darren Aronofsky’s wife
- Raffi - childrens'animador
- Rahm Emanuel, político de Estados Unidos.
- Rain Pryor - actriz daughter de Richard, mom Jewish
- Ralph Bakshi- cartoon director (Fritz the Cat, Cool World)
- Ralph Lauren
- Ramblin' Jack Elliot-folk cantante/guitar player
- Randy 'Macho Man' Savage--Pro Wrestler
- Randy Newman - Compositor, perex ('Toy Story' soundtrack)
- Randy Spelling - actor son de Aaron Spelling y brother de Tori Spelling
- Randy West - Porn Star
- Raphael Smith - Compositor y Scriptescritor
- Raven (Scott Levy), professional wrestler, ex WCW Champion
- Red Aaron Buttons, actor.
- Rena Sofer actriz
- Renee Taylor - actriz (The Nanny) Jewish?
- Reudor - Cartoonist,autor, creator de comic strip y
- Rhea Perlman - actriz
- Ricardo Cortez -Film actor (born Jacob Krantz)
- Richard Avedon - Photographer Richard Benjamin -actor y director
- Richard Belzer - Comedy
- Richard Benjamin - actor y director
- Richard Berstein - Western Publishing. Libros para niños.
- Richard Beymer - 'West Side Story' - actor
- Richard Dix - famoso movie actor de the twenties y thirties
- Richard Dreyfus - (Oscar Winning actor)
- Richard Fleischer, director de cine.
- Richard Gere, actor.
- Richard Hell -punk rocker-Television Heartbreakers Voidoids
- Richard Kaufman, (Ricky The K) - Disc Jockey
- Richard Lewis, comediante
- Richard Lewontin, biólogo.
- Richard Masur - actor
- Richard Rogers - Compositor
- Richard Salwitz - aka Magic Dick, Músico J Geils
- Richard Simmons- Live-it, health guru
- Richard Snyder, Simon & Schuster.
- Richard Starkey - Ringo Starr - ex Beatle
- Richard Tucker - Great hazzan y operatic tenor
- Richartd Belzer-actor/comediante
- Rick London - (London's Times Cartoon in Mississippi
- Rick Moranis - actor
- Rick Rubin - Record productor/Def jam co-founder
- Ricki Lake - talk show hostess
- Rina Mor Mescantante -Israeli Miss Universe -
- Ringo Starr - Beatles baterista.
- Rita Hayworth (Rita Cansino), Spanish Sephardim
- Rita Rudner - commedienne
- Rita Shane, Norman Mittelmann, Met opera
- Ritz Brothers - comediantes
- Rivera, Geraldo - Talk Show Host
- Rob Cohen - director Horror Films
- Rob Morrow - actor
- Rob Reiner - comediante y movie director
- Rob Schneider - actor/comediante
- Robbie Kreieger - Doors guitarista
- Robbie Robertson - cantante, The Band (father)
- Robby Benson Robert Segal-actor/director
- Robert De Niro - actor [Jewish Mother]
- Robert 'Mutt' Lange-owner Flood/Mute records (Depeche Mode)
- Robert Clary - actor (LeBeau from Hogan's Heroes)
- Robert Downey Jr., actor.
- Robert Epstein, director de cine.
- Robert Goulet-cantante (Real Name: Robert Applebaum)
- Robert Lansing - actor
- Robert Maxwell, aka Ludvik Hoch, Daily News.
- Robert Merrill - Opera cantante
- Robert Redford - actor. Se describe a sí mismo como "mitad judío".
- Robert Rossen, director de cine.
- Robert Sarnoff, RCA NBC CEO (son de David Sarnoff). RCA y NBC were bought by G.E. in 1986 but Jewish management still exists.
- Robert Siodmark, director de cine.
- Robert Strauss, Large investor, President Bush's Moscow ambassador.
- Robert Wise, director de cine.
- Robert Zemeckis, director de cine.
- Roberta Peters - Opera cantante
- Roberto Benigni, director de cine de Italia.
- Rockefeller Family – Family de bankers y oil men.
- Rod Serling - Twilight Zone Creator
- Rod Steiger - actor (Oscar Winner)
- Rodolfo Stavenhagen, United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights y Fundamental Freedoms de Indigenous peoples (México).
- Rodd Keith (real name:Rod Eskelin) song-poem auteur
- Rodney Dangerfield (Jack Cohen), comediante y actor.
- Roger Hannin - French actor
- Roger Rabitt, Cotton Club, ex-kibbutznik
- Roman Polanski, director de cine.
- Ron Jeremy - Porn Star
- Ron Leavitt - Married With Children Creator/productor
- Ron Rifkin - actor
- Ron Silver - actor/director
- Rona Barret ( Bernstein ) - Gossip Reporter
- Ronald Harwood - Born in South Africa as Horwitz( playwright)
- Ronn Owens - San Francisco/Los Angeles Talk Show Host
- Ronessen, MBS. Mutual Broadcasting SYS.
- Rosa Luxemburgo, comunista.
- Rosa Raisa - opera cantantes
- Roseanne Barr - comediante
- Roseanne Patricia wettig -actriz-thirty something
- Ross (The Boss) Friedman Scott(Top Ten) Kempner Richie Teeter
- Ross Gelman-actor,comediante,adult animador
- Ross Martin- actor(TV's 'The Wild, Wild West').Real name Martin Rosenblatt.
- Roth, David Lee - Van Halen Rocker
- Rothschild Family – Family de german bankers
- Roxanne Hart , actriz-chicago hope
- Roy Lichtenstein- pintor
- Ruben (A man who raised y promoted Elvis in public)
- Rubén Beraja, (Argentina).
- Ruby Wax - comedienne.
- Sabina Berman, playwright (México).
- Sacha Baron Cohen - comediante
- Saint Yves D’alveydre - Ocultist
- S. J. Perelman - escritor - Screenplays for Marx' Comedies: Monkey Business; Horse Feathers, etc
- Sakari Topelius - Old finnish national fairy-teller
- Salim Hallali - famoso cantante - Morocco
- Sally Field - actriz Jewish
- Sally Jessy Raphael-T.V. talk show hostess, (real last name: Lowenthal)
- Salomón Cohen, cofundador con Miguel Goldstein de las tiendas departamentales Dorian (México).
- Salomón Goldberg Caballero, asesor jurídico de Maguen David en México e hijo del rabino Isaac Goldberg Levy.
- Salvador Allende (Gossens), presidente comunista de Chile.
- Sam Bankman-Fried - magnate de las criptomonedas condenado por fraude
- Sam Harris, filósofo y escritor activista ateo de Estados Unidos.
- Sam Jaffe- actor (Ben Casey)
- Sam Levinson - humorist/TV panelist
- Sam Walton – founder de Wal-Mart y Sam’s Club
- Sam Wolff - Mayor Elect/Atlanta (Rabbi Cheamcheese)
- Samuel Avital - Founder, Boulder mimo Theatre
- Samuel Fuller, director de cine.
- Samuel Goldwyn - director, Executive at Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
- Samuel Newhouse, Random House, Advanced Publications, Newhouse Broadcasting, (CTV), New Yorker Vogue, Mademoiselle, Glamour, Vanity Fair, HQ, Bride's, Gentleman's Quarterly, Self, House & Garden. Newspapers & mags.
- Samy Elmaghribi - famoso cantante in Morocco
- Sammy Davis Jr.
- Sandra Bernhard - comediante, actriz
- Sandy Becker - late children's TV show host
- Santiago Levy Algazi, ex director del IMSS (México).
- Sara Glbert actriz
- Sara Sefchovich, escritora de México.
- Sara Silverman commedienne
- Sarah Michelle Geller - actriz (Buffy the Vampire Slayer TV)
- Sarah Bernhardt, actriz.
- Sarah Jessica Parker - actriz (Sex y the City)
- Sasha Mitchell - actor (Step by Step, Kickboxer )
- Saul Bellow - Novelist
- Saul Hudson -
- Saul Rubinek actor
- Saul Zaentz - productor ( One flew over..., Amadeus, The English Patient )
- Savalas, Telly - actor (died)
- Schlecantante, Dr. Laura - radio therapist
- Scott Simon - host in Saturday Weekend Edition, broadcast periodista
- Scott Wolf - Party de Five
- Screen, Músicos, Artists, Etc
- Segal Robert, actor
- Selma Diamond, late gravelly voiced actriz from Night Court
- Senya Fleshin, nacida en Ucrania, compañera de Mollie Steimer.
- Serge Gainsbourg-French comoser y cantante
- Serge Koussevitzky - conductor
- Sergio Bergman, rabino de Argentina.
- Sergio Berlioz, músico y periodista de México.
- Sergio Kleiner, actor de México.
- Sergio Nudelstejer, Escritor e historiador de México.
- Server, Josh - actor on the show All That
- Seth Green, actor.
- Seth Justman, tecladista de The J. Geils Band
- Seth Polzer - famoso shepherd from Isreal
- Shalom Aleichem - Yiddish escritor
- Shalom Harlow - model need confirmation de being Jewish
- Shanik Berman, animadora de radio y TV (México).
- Shari Lewis - Children's animador
- Shatner, William - actor (Star Trek's Captain 'James T. Kirk')
- Shaun Weiss - Kid actor(Heavyweights,Mighty Ducks +)
- Shecky Greene - comic
- Shel Silverstein Children'sautor
- Sheldon Harnick - letrista (Fiddler On the Roof, She Loves Me plus more)
- Sheldon Leonard - late actor/productor
- Shelley Berman - comediante
- Shelley Winters (aka Shirley Schrift) - actriz
- Shemp Howard (Horowitz) one de the Three Stooges
- Sherwood Schwartz - Creator de Gilligans
- Shimi Tavori - Outstanding Israeli cantante y Perex
- Shiraz - Israeli supermodel (pic on top model directory)
- Shlomo (sp?) Mintz, concert violinist
- Shlomo Mintz - violinist
- Shmuel Yosef Agnon - escritor, Nobel Prize Winner
- Shue, Andrew - actor (Melrose Place)
- Sid Caesar - comediante
- Sidney Lumet - Film director
- Sidney Sheldon - best selling autor
- Sigmund Freud - Psychiatrist
- Silvio Santos - Brazilian humorist
- Simon Wiesenthal - falsificador
- Simone Signoret - French actriz ('Diabolique')
- Sioux, Siouxie (female cantante de British punk / goth band Siouxie Banshees cantante,
- Slash - guitarista in Guns y Roses (Saul Hudson)
- Smith y Dale - comediantes
- Sondheim, Stephen - Broadway letrista/Compositor
- Sonia Benezra - Quebecer Talk Show
- Sonia Benezra- french talk show host in montreal
- Sonny Fox - children's TV productor/host
- Sophie Marceau - french actriz Braveheart daughter de Marcel M.
- Sophie Tucker Abuza - perex last de the red hot mamas'
- Soupy Sales - comediante
- Spacek, Sissy - actriz
- Sprinkle, Annie - Porn star y performance artist
- Spungen, Nancy (girlfriend de Sex Pistols basist Sid Vicious) (died)
- Stacy Earl- cantante
- Stan Lee - Marvel Comics
- Stan Getz - Jazz Saxophonist
- Stanley Drucker World-ranked clarinetist, NY Philharmonic Orchestra)
- Stanley Kramer, director de cine.
- Stanley Kubrick, director de cine.
- Stargate Beck - Músico Berlin, Irving - Compositor de "White
- Stefan Zweig (Schriftsteller)
- Stephanie Kramer - actriz /Hunter
- Stephanie Powers , actriz
- Stephen Bladd, baterista de The J. Geils Band
- Stephen Evans - escritor/director/actor
- Stephen Jay Gould, biólogo.
- Stephen R. Kuntz - famoso attorney at law
- Stephen Schwartz - letrista/Compositor
- Steve Goodman - cantante
- Steve Guttenberg - actor
- Steve Lawrence - cantante, skeptic, esposo de Edie Gorme
- Steve Levy - (ESPN-Sportscenter)
- Steve Reich, American Compositor de minimalist
- Steven Adler - ex baterista for guns n roases
- Steven Friedman NBC Executive productor Nightly News.
- Steven J. Ross, Time-Warner Comm. CEO.
- Steven Lovy - escritor/director de Circuitry Man
- Steven P. Greenberg - compositor (Funkytown)
- Steven Spielberg - productor, director
- Steven Tyler - lead cantante in the music group Aerosmith
- Steven Weber - actor (wings
- Streisand, Barbara - director, cantante, productor
- Stuart Bloomberg, ABC Head de Entertainment Division.
- Stuart Pankin -ex host de HBO Not Necessarily
- Stuart Rosenberg, director de cine.
- Stuart Whitman- Film actor
- Stuttering John Melendezbaum - He looks as good as he talks!
- Sue Mengers - Agent
- Sumner M. Redstone, Chairman y CEO de Viacom Inc. MTV Nickelodeon QVC. CEO.
- Super Dave Osborne - comediante. Real name: Bob Einstein.
- Susan Cabot - actriz
- Susan St. James - actriz
- Susan Strasberg, daughter de Lee, stage y screen actriz
- Susanna Hoffs - cantante in the Bangles
- Suzanne Pleshette-Costar de The Bob Newhart Show
- Suzy Mamann Greenberg - productor de Seinfeld y some other NBC shows
- Swoozie Kurtz - actriz/Sisters Jewish?
- Sydney Pollack, director y productor de cine.
- Sydney Rome- famoso actriz
- Syl Sylvain - Member de New York Dolls
- Sylvia Sydney - actriz
- Taylor Dayne - cantante
- Ted Koppel - television newscaster (ABC Niteline)
- The Beastie Boys - rap group, all Jewish
- The Doodle Family
- The Greaseman (Doug Tracht) Nationally known radio shock jock
- The King Ad Rock (Adam Horovitz)- músico de rap, Beastie Boys
- Theda Bara - Silent actriz, original 'vamp'
- Theodor Herzl – Fundador del Sionismo
- Theodore Bikel - actor /
- Theodore Roosevelt, Presidente de Estados Unidos.
- Thomas Shlamme - director
- Tibor Szamuely, político comunista.
- Tim Burton - director
- Tina Louise - actriz (Gilligan's 'Ginger' - origin de the Hebrew word 'Jinji')
- Todd Solondz, director de cine.
- Todd Suchman, baterista de Styx
- Tom Arnold - actor
- Tom Bosley - Mr. C. on Happy Days Jewish
- Tony Curtis (Bernard Schwartz), actor.
- Tony Randall (Leonard Rosenberg - real name)
- Tony Cowley (born Kaulish) - also a wanker
- Tony Goldwyn - actor ghost
- Tony Kushner- Playwright (Angels in America)
- Tony Martin - cantante
- Tony Parisi - ...of the Village People (cowboy)
- Tony Randall (Leonard Rosenberg - real name)
- Tori Spelling (jewish Spelling familiy)
- Totie Fields - comedienne
- Tracy Pollan - actriz, esposa de Michael J. Fox
- Trevor Rabin - Yes
- Tristan Tzara (his real name is Sami Rosenstein ) - poeta francés; fundador de movimiento Dadaista.
- Uri Geller, charlatán doblador de cucharas.
- Veruca Salt
- Vic Morrow - actor
- Vic Tayback-T.V. Costar de Alice
- Victor A. Kaufman, Columbia Pictures. CEO
- Victor Borge (Borge Rosenbaum) pianista y humorista
- Victor Frankl – Neurologist y Psychiatrist
- Viola Spolins - inventor de theater games
- Vladimir Horowitz - pianista
- Vladimir Lenin, político comunista de Rusia.
- Volodímir Zelenski, presidente de Ucrania durante la Guerra ruso-ucraniana de 2022
- Wallace Shawn- actor (Princess Bride, Toy Story, Clueless)
- Walter Lippman - periodista/ founded the New Republic
- Walter Mathau - actor y comediante
- Walter Mosley escritor (mother is Jewish)
- Walter Yetnikoff (ex-manager de Michael Jackson)
- Warren Mitchell - actor.
- Wayne y Shuster - comediantes
- Weinberg Max (baterista for Bruce Springsteen),
- Weinberg Moshe - russian Compositor
- Wendy Liebman - commedienne
- Wendy Mallick - actriz ( mostly sitcoms)
- Werner Klemperer (Klink on Hogan's Heroes, son de Otto K.)
- Will Self British escritor (mother)
- William Daniels - actor St. Elswhere
- William Friedkin, director de cine.
- William Goldman -screenescritor (The Princess Bride)
- William S. Paley, CBS CEO & founder de CBS. 1927. 1983 Partially retired.
- William Shatner, actor.
- William Wyler, director de cine.
- Winona Ryder (Winona Laura Horowitz), actriz.
- Wolf Blitzer - CNN periodista
- Wolf Ruvinskis, actor, luchador de México.
- Woody Allen - Comediante, actor, director, productor (real name: Allan Konigsberg)
- Woody Strode - black man from spartacus
- Yaakov Agam - modern pintor/sculptor
- Yaasha Heifitz - famoso Violinist
- Yaki Margulies - Well known artist in sea-town
- Yákov Sverdlov, líder del partido bolchevique y alto funcionario de la Unión Soviética.
- Yákov Yurovsky, soviético, asesino del Zar Nicolás II de Rusia
- Yaphet Kotto - famoso actor
- Yarema Hutsaliuk - famoso American/French escritor
- Yasha Heifetz - Violinist
- Yasmine Bleeth, actriz de padre judío.
- Yehudi Menuhin, world class Violonist
- Yul Brynner - definitely Jewish screen actor
- Yuri Rasovsky - ganador del premio de radio Peabody de "S and S"
- Yves Montand(Ivo Livi), actor y cantante de Francia.
- Zachary Hines - son de Gregory y Jewish wife
- Zbigniew Brzezinski, analista político de Estados Unidos, fundador de la llamada Comisión Trilateral.
- Zeppo Marx, comediante (Marx Brothers)
- Zero Mostel, actor, comediante, pintor
- Zohra Lampert, actiz.
- Zsa Zsa Gabor -
- Zuehra Elfassia, cantante.